Friday, November 13, 2009

Expelled Exposed

A website created by the National Center for Science Education, which is a US organization dedicated to defending the teaching of evolution in public schools.

Expelled Exposed is dedicated to debunking the falsehoods in the pro-creationism movie Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed.

The movie have had very little impact in the US, and even less outside the US, but it's a good resource to know if someone uses that movie as a reference.

Expelled is probable best known for the fact that Richard Dawkins, Eugenie Scott, and PZ Myers were interviewed for it under false premises, and for the fact that PZ Myers was expelled from a screening of the movie (if you haven't read about this, read PZ Myers' post written just after the fact, it's hilarious).

Interestingly, an off-shot of the movie was the creation of Richard Dawkins - Beware the Believers - an animated movie using humor to attack science, which probably have had more views than the actual Expelled movie.

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